Pakistan’s oil export fall slightly in FY24


Petroleum group imports eyewitness a negative production of 0.61 percent during calendar year 2023-24 (FY24) and remained $16.910 billion analyze to $17.014 billion during the 2022-23 (FY23), says the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).

The data of distribute and bring in bail out by the PBS disclose that petroleum group bring in June 2024 remained at $1.571 billion analyze to $1.577 billion in May and certified 0.42 percent negative production while on a year-on-year (YoY) basis; it certified 3.73 percent negative production when analyze to $1.632 billion in May 2023.

Petroleum products bring in eyewitness 12.91 percent negative production during FY24 and locate at $6.643 billion contrast to $7.628 billion during the same period of the last calendar year.

On a MoM fundament, they locate at $684.4957 million in June 2024 contrast to $676.417 million in May 2024 and certified a 1.19 percent production.

The bring in during July–June, 2023-24 (FY24) destroyed $54,798 million as against $55,198 million during the similar period of last year displaying a less of 0.72%.

The bring in June, 2024 were $4,983 million (provisional) as contrast to $4,915 million in May 2024 displaying an rise of 1.38 percent over May 2024 and rise by 18.95% as contrast to $4,189 million in June 2023.

Main product of bring in during June 2024 were Petroleum item (R.s. 190,590 million), Petroleum crude (R.s. 128,995 million), Natural gas, liquidized (R.s. 102,615 million), Electric machinery & apparatus (R.s. 87,700 million), Mobile Phones (R.s. 77,566 million), Palm oil (R.s. 68,781 million), Plastic materials (R.s. 52,924 million), Iron & Steel (R.s. 48,702 million), Motor cars (CKD/SKD) (R.s. 28,898 million) and Iron and steel scrap (R.s. 27,398 million).
