Solar net metering currently fulfills 15% of LESCO’s power demand


Lesco has experienced a notable rise in solar net metering, comprising 15% of its electricity needs.

As of March 2024, rooftop solar net-metering installations in Lesco’s service areas totaled 500.2MW, accounting for around 15% of the current peak summer demand of approximately 3500MW, according to a national newspaper.

This percentage exceeds the national contribution of less than 2% to the overall peak power supply to the national grid.

If standalone solar plants in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors are accounted for, projections indicate that solar power generation could exceed 20% of the total demand within Lesco’s coverage area.

Several factors are propelling the growth in solar PV technology adoption, with 30,280 consumers in Lesco areas choosing solar net-metering. By March 2024, a total of 33,843 applications had been lodged for the installation of 542.3MW solar panels, and a significant number had already been linked to the grid.

Notwithstanding this capacity increase, Pakistan remains embroiled in an energy crisis marked by an ongoing disparity between demand and supply. The current energy demand surpasses the generation capacity, resulting in a deficit of 5,000MW and causing widespread load-shedding and power outages.

Furthermore, escalating power tariffs have rendered electricity unaffordable for numerous consumers, with accusations of corruption in distribution companies contributing to widespread overbilling. These difficulties have prompted consumers to pursue relief through autonomous solar power generation systems.

The federal government is promoting investment in small-scale distributed solar energy generation.

Yet, the increasing demand for solar net metering has presented challenges. Prospective customers are encountering obstacles in acquiring net-metering services, especially the installation of green meters, which are scarce. In numerous instances, consumers are experiencing delays of several months for meter installation.
