Finland to Impose Substantial Tuition Fees on International Students


Finland is preparing to enforce higher tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students pursuing higher education. The Finnish government has proposed changes to the Universities Act and the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, resulting in increased fees for non-EU/EEA students enrolled in programs taught in languages other than Finnish or Swedish.

According to SchengenNews, the government insists that these students should bear the full cost of their education. Finnish Minister of Science and Culture, Sari Multala, explained that this initiative aims to improve the financial situation of higher education institutions and encourage international students to remain in Finland after completing their studies.

Application Fees

Additionally, the government proposes introducing an application fee for non-EU/EEA students. This fee is intended to reduce the number of low-quality applications that create extra work for higher education institutions. Furthermore, students entering Finland on a residence permit for study purposes will be required to pay tuition fees even if they switch to a work permit.

Changes and Exemptions

These measures are expected to alleviate the administrative burden on higher education institutions, which currently receive numerous applications from students who do not meet Finland’s educational qualifications.

Regarding commissioned education, the government emphasized that all higher education institutions must ensure that contracts and agreements clearly specify the rights and obligations of participants.

The new rules will primarily target non-EU/EEA citizens, with exemptions for those holding temporary protection in Finland, who will not be required to pay full tuition fees.
