NADRA Launches Counter in Saudi Arabia


The Interior Ministry has launched a new initiative to assist Pakistani citizens living in Saudi Arabia by offering the renewal service for their National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) at the NADRA counter in the Pakistan embassy in Riyadh.

This move is designed to provide relief to overseas Pakistanis, allowing them to renew their NICOPs without having to travel back to Pakistan.

The Pakistan embassy in Riyadh now features a fully operational NADRA office that provides various services, including NICOP, CNIC, CRC, FRC, and Biometric Verification of Succession Certificates.

For added convenience, a NADRA mobile registration team will be available on May 24 and 25 (Friday and Saturday), with services running from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM local time in Saudi Arabia.

NICOP is issued to Pakistani citizens residing abroad who hold nationality in a country with a dual nationality arrangement with Pakistan. It allows travel to Pakistan without requiring a visa. Any Pakistani citizen can apply for NICOP.

Applicants visiting the embassy for passport renewal need to bring their old cards and a copy of their passport.

Previously, the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) introduced an innovative ‘All-in-One’ digital identity kit, which integrates advanced biometric authentication features into a single device. This development, led by experts from NADRA Technologies Limited (NTL) and NADRA Technology Research (NTR), represents a significant advancement in digital identity management.
