Heatwave Alert: Punjab Takes Precautions to Mitigate Impact

Heatwave Alert

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Punjab has issued guidelines to relevant institutions to prepare for a severe heatwave forecast to hit the region from May 21 to 27. The authority has warned of an increased risk of severe heat, particularly in the plains of Punjab, with southern districts expected to be significantly affected.

To ensure public safety and well-being, the PDMA has directed various departments to take proactive measures. The Punjab Health Department has been asked to cancel all leave for medical staff, set up dedicated heatwave counters in hospitals, and ensure full medical support is available. Deputy commissioners have been directed to provide heatwave prevention facilities in public spaces.

A public awareness campaign has also been launched to educate the public on heatwave precautions, utilizing helpline numbers and mosque announcements. Farmers have been specifically targeted, with a focus on informing them about the potential effects of the heatwave on crops. Veterinary care centers will operate 24 hours a day, and clean water will be ensured at animal markets.

These steps aim to reduce the adverse impacts of the heatwave and safeguard the health and livelihoods of residents in the affected regions.

  • PDMA Punjab issues guidelines to mitigate impact of severe heatwave from May 21-27
  • Heatwave expected to affect plains of Punjab, particularly southern districts
  • Measures include canceling medical leave, setting up heatwave counters, and public awareness campaigns
  • Farmers and animal owners targeted in efforts to minimize impact on crops and livestock